
Those going through financial hardship because of COVID-19 may get access to rent assistance thanks to the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

This program aims to help landlords and tenants who are struggling to meet their rental payments in time due to the pandemic.

Each state in the United States set different rules for those who wanted to apply. Here, we'll cover the rules and guidelines surrounding the state of Louisiana.

Disclaimer: At the time of writing, the Louisiana Emergency Rental Assistance Program isn't accepting new applications. According to the official portal, the state is currently making its final payments to eligible households. We encourage you to keep checking the website for any potential updates on the program and any other alternatives that may arise.

What Is ERAP in Louisiana?

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Louisiana was administered by the Louisiana Housing Corporation and the Office of Community Development.

Louisiana residents who could prove they were at risk of facing housing instability (among other factors) could receive money from the government to pay for their rental arrears.

How Does ERAP Work in Louisiana?

To apply, landlords and/or tenants had to go to their respective parish's program website to get more information about the documents they had to upload.

If you lived in East Baton Rouge Parish, for example, you would have to go through its own programs to get started.

Depending on your case, you could apply for rent assistance, utility assistance, or both. If your application got approved, you would receive the money directly from the program on behalf of the tenant.

What's the Difference Between ERA1 and ERA2?

ERA1 was the first phase of the program, approved by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

The second phase, on the other hand, was approved by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the program provided emergency rental assistance to even more households in need.

How Does ERAP Benefit Louisiana Landlords?

Landlords benefit in the sense that they can secure a steady and constant flow of income for a few months, which is crucial during times of financial uncertainty.

It's in all parties' best interest to ensure the application gets approved.

What's the Landlord's Role in ERAP?

Louisiana landlords should assist their tenants in submitting their applications.

Landlords could also apply on the tenant's behalf and let them finish the application process.

Who Is Eligible for ERAP in Louisiana?

  • Renters with a household income of 80% of the area median income (or lower).
  • Renters who experienced a decrease in household income, incurred significant costs, got an eviction notice, or experienced any kind of housing instability.
  • Renters who could prove they were at risk of homelessness or housing instability.

Can Tenants on Other Housing Plans Apply for ERAP in Louisiana?

Tenants on other plans (such as Section 8) can apply for ERAP, as long as their other funding isn't equal to the one they're applying for in ERAP.

In other words, the tenant can't receive equal benefits from both programs.

How to Apply for ERAP in Louisiana

Here's how to apply for ERAP in Louisiana:

  • Gather documents that prove your identity, the renter's current income, and all the due bills (such as a past-due rent notice).
  • Submit the application according to the instructions.
  • Wait for approval.

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If you want to keep track of all news surrounding Louisiana and other potential financial assistance programs in the future, check DoorLoop.

Its resources can help you get all the information you need to make the most out of your opportunities.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a platform to manage your rental properties in Louisiana, request a DoorLoop demo today.

There, you'll notice how easier your rental experience can get thanks to its tools.

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David is the co-founder & Head of Special Projects of DoorLoop, a best-selling author, legal CLE speaker, and real estate investor. When he's not hanging with his three children, he's writing articles here!

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