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New Jersey
Number of Units
100 - 500
Property Types
New Jersey
Number of Units
100 - 500
Property Types
If you are on a property management system, I tell you, you should switch out today. If you are not on a property management system, you need DoorLoop today!

Bob and Brian

CEO & Managing Director

Read the full testimonial

If you're on a property management system, I tell you that you should switch out today. If you're not on a property management system, you need DoorLoop today.

My name is Brian Silver. I work at the Bravitas Group.

My name is Bob Silver and I'm the CEO of the Bravitas Group.

We're located in Montclair, New Jersey, and we manage office space with a little bit of ground floor retail. Our specialty is adaptive reuse and redevelopment of older, architecturally interesting buildings. So taking things like old schools, warehouses, churches, and redeveloping them into boutique bespoke office space aimed at small businesses. We currently manage about 140,000 square feet with a total of 135 tenants.

My partner happens to be somebody very important to me, he's also my son. He joined our company about a year ago, and at that time, everything was done by stones and sticks. All our data was spread on spreadsheets. We couldn't have access, we lost stuff.

We found out about DoorLoop, actually just through a Google search of property managers and if they can integrate with QuickBooks.

Before DoorLoop, everything was on a manual basis. Excel spreadsheets, manual leases. All paper filed in binders or file drawers. Accounts payable, but it was done by one person. Accounts receivable was done by another. Still another was doing rent invoices. And then at the end of the month we had to process hundreds of checks. It just didn't work anymore for us as we grew.

DoorLoop helps us save about 10 to 20 hours a week in many different ways. Just through the automated processes, it's much easier and much less manual, as well as the interchange of data is much quicker. It's much easier to work as a team and make sure everyone's looking at the same data. My favorite feature is the accounts receivable and rent modules. I now can track when rents are due, when rents come in, when people haven't paid me. And I just love on the first of month to see that cash register ringing on DoorLoop. If you don't have a property management system, go get it now. DoorLoop will really make your life much easier and be able to manage multiple properties much easier. And your tenants will get a much better client experience. And it's also a retention device for your tenants.

Read the full testimonial

If you're on a property management system, I tell you that you should switch out today. If you're not on a property management system, you need DoorLoop today.

My name is Brian Silver. I work at the Bravitas Group.

My name is Bob Silver and I'm the CEO of the Bravitas Group.

We're located in Montclair, New Jersey, and we manage office space with a little bit of ground floor retail. Our specialty is adaptive reuse and redevelopment of older, architecturally interesting buildings. So taking things like old schools, warehouses, churches, and redeveloping them into boutique bespoke office space aimed at small businesses. We currently manage about 140,000 square feet with a total of 135 tenants.

My partner happens to be somebody very important to me, he's also my son. He joined our company about a year ago, and at that time, everything was done by stones and sticks. All our data was spread on spreadsheets. We couldn't have access, we lost stuff.

We found out about DoorLoop, actually just through a Google search of property managers and if they can integrate with QuickBooks.

Before DoorLoop, everything was on a manual basis. Excel spreadsheets, manual leases. All paper filed in binders or file drawers. Accounts payable, but it was done by one person. Accounts receivable was done by another. Still another was doing rent invoices. And then at the end of the month we had to process hundreds of checks. It just didn't work anymore for us as we grew.

DoorLoop helps us save about 10 to 20 hours a week in many different ways. Just through the automated processes, it's much easier and much less manual, as well as the interchange of data is much quicker. It's much easier to work as a team and make sure everyone's looking at the same data. My favorite feature is the accounts receivable and rent modules. I now can track when rents are due, when rents come in, when people haven't paid me. And I just love on the first of month to see that cash register ringing on DoorLoop. If you don't have a property management system, go get it now. DoorLoop will really make your life much easier and be able to manage multiple properties much easier. And your tenants will get a much better client experience. And it's also a retention device for your tenants.

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Make more money, get organized, and grow your business with the highest-rated property management software.