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"Dash Real Estate has used DoorLoop to automate their business."

Andrew Comeens
Property Manager
DASH Real Estate Company

Dash Real Estate is a property management company based in Central Florida. They specialize in managing single-family residences for small landlords who own one or two properties. Recently, they have been expanding their services to accommodate larger landlords with up to 10 or 15 properties. Thanks to the help of Door Loop, a property management software, Dash Real Estate has gained the confidence and pipeline to pursue more clients and grow their portfolio.

Number of Units
1 - 10
Property Types
Number of Units
1 - 10
Property Types
"What has changed in my business? Everything. It's now a streamlined process that includes taking in applications, reviewing them, notifying tenants of changes and upcoming events, and sending payments to landlords. DoorLoop simplifies the entire process."

Andrew Comeens

Property Manager

Read the full testimonial

I could just not have been more pleased. In fact, if I wasn't in competition with the neighboring property management companies, I would pitch DoorLoop to them as well.

My name is Andrew Comeens with DASH Real Estate Company. We are here in Central Florida, just north of Orlando, and we manage a few single-family residences here in the area. For the most part, we specialize in single-family residents, typically smaller landlords that have one or two properties. Currently, we're going after some of the bigger dogs who have up to 10 or 15 properties.

How many properties do you manage?

We only have two units in our portfolio, but taking on DoorLoop as a part of our Property Management Software has given us the confidence and the pipeline to be able to pursue some more clients and go after those bigger landlords and grow our portfolio this next year.

Why did you become a property manager?

I became a property manager after seeing a lot of these local real estate companies who I've been referring property management services to as my clients that I've closed with, have reached out to me and said, "Do you know a property management company?" Sort of giving too much business away. So, I said, "Well, I want to become a property manager to maintain these relationships with people who I've sold properties to over the years, and also to serve my community at a higher level."

Where did you hear about DoorLoop?

I looked at multiple different softwares, all of them on the Internet and reading lots of reviews. And from what I read, DoorLoop ended up being the highest-rated and reviewed by most property managers, especially in Florida, I saw that, and they're a Florida-based company. And it's lived up to the hype.

Why did you choose DoorLoop?

When it actually came to trying a Property Management Software, I had conversations with multiple different salesmen and account managers as they call them, from all these different softwares. In speaking with the person who did my demo for DoorLoop, I trusted him. He told me some really incredible features that they were rolling out, and at the turn of the New Year, he pitched me something very strong and I really just couldn't turn it down. It was a great opportunity.

What made you switch to DoorLoop?

What DoorLoop has helped us to do is to advertise a company, in addition to our local MLS, very simply and easily. They've added a personal website that's created some clout and some awareness for our company that is a really high-value feature asset, I would say. And then, they've also made a streamlined application process, between the rental application itself, where I can choose what goes in and what doesn't go into an application. And then, we can also charge what we would for application fees and see it come to our bot, so we can increase our income potential through applications, as well as the property management business itself.

In addition to the software, DoorLoop has a really robust podcast that I've really enjoyed listening to. They have some really cool property managers, owners, investors, lots of people on there that have really added a ton of value to everything we do and has equipped me as a property manager and a real estate professional with a ton of market knowledge and interesting conversation tidbits. That's a really cool feature of a company that I love to be a part of as well.

What changed when you started using DoorLoop?

What has changed in my business? Everything. It's a streamlined process from taking in applications, reviewing them, notifying tenants of changes and things to come, sending payments to landlords. It simplifies that whole process to where you don't have to be an accountant managing a physical or a written ledger, or you don't have to have everything in Google Sheets or Excel. It's all in one place. The bank reconciliation is very simple to use. It just streamlines every process and at a very affordable cost.

Read the full testimonial

I could just not have been more pleased. In fact, if I wasn't in competition with the neighboring property management companies, I would pitch DoorLoop to them as well.

My name is Andrew Comeens with DASH Real Estate Company. We are here in Central Florida, just north of Orlando, and we manage a few single-family residences here in the area. For the most part, we specialize in single-family residents, typically smaller landlords that have one or two properties. Currently, we're going after some of the bigger dogs who have up to 10 or 15 properties.

How many properties do you manage?

We only have two units in our portfolio, but taking on DoorLoop as a part of our Property Management Software has given us the confidence and the pipeline to be able to pursue some more clients and go after those bigger landlords and grow our portfolio this next year.

Why did you become a property manager?

I became a property manager after seeing a lot of these local real estate companies who I've been referring property management services to as my clients that I've closed with, have reached out to me and said, "Do you know a property management company?" Sort of giving too much business away. So, I said, "Well, I want to become a property manager to maintain these relationships with people who I've sold properties to over the years, and also to serve my community at a higher level."

Where did you hear about DoorLoop?

I looked at multiple different softwares, all of them on the Internet and reading lots of reviews. And from what I read, DoorLoop ended up being the highest-rated and reviewed by most property managers, especially in Florida, I saw that, and they're a Florida-based company. And it's lived up to the hype.

Why did you choose DoorLoop?

When it actually came to trying a Property Management Software, I had conversations with multiple different salesmen and account managers as they call them, from all these different softwares. In speaking with the person who did my demo for DoorLoop, I trusted him. He told me some really incredible features that they were rolling out, and at the turn of the New Year, he pitched me something very strong and I really just couldn't turn it down. It was a great opportunity.

What made you switch to DoorLoop?

What DoorLoop has helped us to do is to advertise a company, in addition to our local MLS, very simply and easily. They've added a personal website that's created some clout and some awareness for our company that is a really high-value feature asset, I would say. And then, they've also made a streamlined application process, between the rental application itself, where I can choose what goes in and what doesn't go into an application. And then, we can also charge what we would for application fees and see it come to our bot, so we can increase our income potential through applications, as well as the property management business itself.

In addition to the software, DoorLoop has a really robust podcast that I've really enjoyed listening to. They have some really cool property managers, owners, investors, lots of people on there that have really added a ton of value to everything we do and has equipped me as a property manager and a real estate professional with a ton of market knowledge and interesting conversation tidbits. That's a really cool feature of a company that I love to be a part of as well.

What changed when you started using DoorLoop?

What has changed in my business? Everything. It's a streamlined process from taking in applications, reviewing them, notifying tenants of changes and things to come, sending payments to landlords. It simplifies that whole process to where you don't have to be an accountant managing a physical or a written ledger, or you don't have to have everything in Google Sheets or Excel. It's all in one place. The bank reconciliation is very simple to use. It just streamlines every process and at a very affordable cost.

Set your business up for growth

Make more money, get organized, and grow your business with the highest-rated property management software.