
LoopEd Scholarship

Welcome to the DoorLoop Scholarship Program, where college students are given the resources to make their goals a reality. 

Empowering your future

STEM and Real Estate Scholarships

As a people first company, one of DoorLoop’s core values is Lead With Innovation–and we want to help you do that, too. We look forward to seeing your submission.

Participants may only apply for one scholarship per semester.  Scholarship submission deadline of May 1, 2024

Students in STEM

Value: $1,000

To apply for the scholarship, you may submit one of the following:

  • Written essay (750-1000 words)

  • Video essay (4-5 minutes)

Submission Requirements:

  • Must be a student currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in the United States, majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics.

  • Must be 18 or older at the time of submission.

  • Must be in good academic standing with your institution.

Essay Prompt:

At DoorLoop, we have a shared set of company values embodied by everyone on our amazing team. We hold these values closely as we approach new projects and bring our ideas to life.

One of the values we hold most closely is “Do great things with great people.” We believe that collaboration and communication make up the foundation of great accomplishments.

As a STEM student, what does "Do great things with great people" mean to you? Tell us about a time when teamwork and communication helped you work through challenges to accomplish great things.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for more than one scholarship?

Participants may only apply for one scholarship per semester.

Can I apply for the scholarship if I’m an incoming freshman or grad student?

Yes, however, you must upload proof of enrollment, an admission letter, OR a recent transcript. Also, you must be 18 or older at the time of submission.

I’m transferring to a new university/changing programs. Can I apply?

Yes, we encourage you to apply! You must be attending a college, university, or program in the United States and majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics.

I have a different question!

Please contact us with any questions and mention the word scholarship. 

When is the deadline for each scholarship?

The submission deadline is 11:59 pm on December 1, 2023.

When are the winners announced?

Winners will be announced on December 15.

How do I apply? Where do I upload my essay?

Click on “Apply for a scholarship” and upload the essay file. The max file size is 10MB.

I do not have a location to link you to. How can I link my essay?

We recommend uploading your essay to Google Drive as a Google Doc. Click “Share”, select “Anyone with the link” under General Access, and paste the link in the application form.