
Choosing the right rental property management software for your business is not an easy task, considering the myriad of options that exist. However, if you are here, it means that you have chosen to consider Yardi Voyager as an option.

It is vital that you go over every aspect of your decision and make sure that you are choosing the best option. Since this kind of software can have so many effects on property management companies and property owners, it is especially important that you choose the best option.

If you are curious about how to go about choosing the best property management software, there are some guiding questions that you may ask yourself. These questions include:

  • How easy is it to learn?
  • What are the most notable features?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How does it compare to its competitors?

Getting answers to these questions can help a lot when trying to decide on a single rental property management system.

Luckily for you, we have answered all of these questions, and more, in this complete Yardi Voyager guide.

Below, you will find a complete outline of the Yardi Voyager property management platform and, by the end, you should be able to make your decision.

What is Yardi Voyager Property Management Software

Yardi Voyager is a cloud-based property management software that provides an end-to-end solution for many real estate portfolios. This software provides property managers with all the tools to manage and track all of their rental properties and financials from a single place.

Some of the properties that Yardi Voyager works with include:

  • Residential Properties
  • Commercial Properties
  • Affordable Housing
  • Self-Storage
  • Senior Living

...and a ton more.

One of the most notable aspects of Yardi Voyager is that it provides all the property management tools that rental property owners could ever need, in a single place. This powerful property management software combines all aspects of the entire real estate process in one single user-friendly interface.

If you like what you are reading and are interested in learning more about Yardi Voyager, you are in the right place. Below, we have listed some of the software's most notable features that are sure to help any property management company.

Yardi Voyager Features

Now that we have a basic overview of the services that Yardi Voyager provides, let's take a deeper look into the features that you will be getting with this software.

All of these features are catered towards property managers trying to automate or streamline some repetitive tasks.

Some of Yardi Voyager's most notable features include:

  • Facilities Management
  • Integrated Accounting System
  • Investment Management
  • Lease Management

These features encompass many services provided by the software that are considered extremely vital for property management businesses.

Below, we will go into more detail on what these features have to offer and how they can be useful to you and your business.

Facilities Management

One of the most useful features that Yardi Voyager provides is facility management. This feature allows property managers to keep track of and manage maintenance requests across their properties. This way, they can schedule and keep track of various maintenance requests at once, all from one place.

This feature is extremely useful because it essentially automates the maintenance management process for your properties.

Whenever a tenant needs some sort of maintenance done on the property, which is very often, they will be able to submit a ticket straight to the platform. This way, you can quickly see what the problem is and schedule a service to be done as fast as possible.

With this feature, you can also hire the professionals that you need for the maintenance that was requested. Then, you can track every step of the process, as well as any comments or concerns from the tenant, all from one centralized location.

Integrated Accounting System

Another feature included with Yardi property management services is an  accounting system. These are extremely useful in any section of the real estate industry as there are numerous accounts that need to be managed and taken care of with every property. This is an essential feature for any property manager concerned with property development and the growth of their business.

One of the most useful features that come with this accounting system is that it gives the tenant the ability to collect rent online and handles all of the payment processing through the web interface. This is much easier than the traditional forms of paying rent, like sending in checks every month.

Also, Yardi Voyager provides a large collection of bookkeeping services and helps in the setup of financial entities. It even offers financial reporting to make sure that all of your assets are in line and that you have all the financial reports you may need for an audit. This means that there is no need for third-party software providers to perform the accounting services that your property management business requires.

Investment Management

One of the other useful features that Yardi Voyager provides is investment management. This is a feature that you may not always find in a different software platform, making it a very valuable one to have.

This feature offers property managers a ton of insight into their investments, as well as a way to keep track of them and ensure that they are still generating profit. One of the ways that it does this is by generating custom reports that take many different data points into account, like resident data and previous performance.

All of these features make asset management within your business extremely easy and centralized. And even better, Yardi Voyager allows you to automate all of these processes, making it easier than ever to expand your portfolio and reduce risk without referring to an outside consulting firm.

Lease Management

Another extremely valuable feature that is offered by Yardi Voyager is the lease manager. This lease manager, similar to the investment manager, is meant to accurately measure the performance of all of your assets and investments while reducing risks. This set of features also allows the user to gain insight into the health of their portfolio and keep track of tenants.

This feature is useful because it allows a single user to generate reports about all aspects of a tenant, or an investment, and share them among multiple users in the same Yardi CRM platform. This is especially important in the real estate industry because it provides information about the tenant and calculates the risk involved with renting to that tenant.

Now that we know some more about Yardi Voyager's most notable features, let's get into one of the most important deciding factors: the price.

Yardi Voyager Pricing

One of the more unclear aspects surrounding Yardi Voyager is its pricing. You will need to contact them to find out the cost.

Yardi Voyager also does not provide any kind of free trial or demo. This means that you have no way of trying out the software before investing in it.

Want to look into one of Yardi Voyager's most prominent competitors? Read below to learn about one of the best Yardi Voyager alternatives.

Yardi Voyager Alternative

Not feeling too convinced about investing in Yardi Voyager? Are the prices too high? Not enough features? If that is the case, we have the solution for you.


DoorLoop homepage

If you are considering an alternative to Yardi Voyager, other property management software solutions are available and look no further. DoorLoop has all of the features and accessibility that you will ever need in property management software. e  

DoorLoop is an all-in-one property management solution that is sure to meet and exceed all of your needs that previous software couldn't.

Some of DoorLoop's most notable features include, but are not limited to:

  • Complete Accounting Suite: Manage all of your financials and accounting needs in one place where the system integrates with hundreds of other software.
  • Leasing and Marketing Tools: Automate the process of listing vacant properties and manage all of your leases from one fully integrated central database and even screen tenants!
  • Maintenance Management: Keep track of and update all maintenance requests from your properties. Even hire service teams straight from the platform!
  • Stellar Customer Support: Have any questions or concerns? DoorLoops' top-notch service team is quick to assist with any kind of problem.

If you are interested in gaining access to all of these features from one easy-to-navigate interface, continue reading to discover more about DoorLoop.

DoorLoop Pricing

If Yardi Voyager's price was one of the things that turned you away from it, you have come to the right place. You can gain access to all of DoorLoop's features for as low as $59 per month.

Schedule a free demo to see if DoorLoop is the right software for you, and get started today!

Frequently Asked Quesitons

David is the co-founder & CMO of DoorLoop, a best-selling author, legal CLE speaker, and real estate investor. When he's not hanging with his three children, he's writing articles here!

Legal Disclaimer

The information on this website is from public sources, for informational purposes only and not intended for legal or accounting advice. DoorLoop does not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any damages or inaccuracies.
