
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Maryland's housing sector found itself grappling with unprecedented challenges.

Rent arrears began to accumulate as tenants confronted job losses and economic hardships, leaving landlords and property managers in a precarious position.

To combat this looming crisis and ensure housing stability across the state, Maryland rolled out the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

This initiative not only aims to provide monetary relief but also seeks to foster understanding and collaboration between tenants and their landlords.

This guide is dedicated to unpacking Maryland's ERAP, offering landlords, property managers, and even tenants a clear roadmap of the program, its nuances, and how to make the most of the resources available.

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is based on the current status as of the date of this publication. Given that ERAP is a funded program in response to COVID-19, its availability and specifics are subject to changes. Readers are strongly advised to consult their state's housing department website or official channels to confirm if the program is still ongoing and to stay updated on any modifications.

How Does ERAP Work in Maryland?

Maryland emergency rental assistance programs come in many forms but all aim to support residents navigating housing challenges. This includes the Assisted Housing Relief Program, Maryland Eviction Partnership Program, and other assistance programs across local jurisdictions.

Then there's the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

At its core, ERAP in Maryland is a financial support program, allocated from both federal and state resources, aimed at assisting renters facing hardships directly or indirectly due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Basically, while the initial ERAP funds stemmed from the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, Maryland also prioritized state funds to bolster the program, ensuring a wider reach and more extensive support.

With these funds, Maryland has sought to reduce the financial burden on tenants, indirectly ensuring that landlords and property managers maintain a steady flow of rental income, even in these uncertain times.

Maryland's ERAP achieves this by covering the following:

In the end, like the Assisted Housing Relief Program, the goal of Maryland's ERAP is to relieve some of the burden for tenants so that they can pay rent, particularly during the pandemic. This means rent and utility payments and other forms of assistance.

Even beyond that, however, the program's structure is aimed at providing ongoing support, ensuring that the aftershocks of the pandemic don't lead to mass evictions or prolonged financial strain for eligible households facing financial hardship.

what the maryland erap pays for, such as rent and utility payments, for emergency rental assistance

Is ERAP Still Available in Maryland?

As of the latest update, ERAP funds for emergency assistance have been allocated to states based on the Consolidated Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. Maryland, like many other states, has received its share.

While most other states no longer offer this rental assistance, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is still administering federal emergency rental funding to local jurisdictions (through the aforementioned Maryland Eviction Partnership Program) as well as to property managers for affordable rental properties and other eligible properties (through the Assisted Housing Relief Program).

Local jurisdictions navigate their rental assistance programs differently, so you should check with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development or your local public housing authorities for details on eligible households, timelines, documentation requirements, and more.

However, it's essential to recognize that the availability of funds can fluctuate based on the following factors:

  • Demand: As more tenants apply, funds might get depleted faster. The level of economic hardship experienced across different Maryland counties can influence ERAP's funding availability.
  • Federal Allocations: While initial state or federal funds for emergency rental assistance were disbursed, subsequent allocations depend on federal resources and decisions, influenced by the broader economic situation and housing challenges.
  • State's Management: Efficient management and distribution can impact how long the funds last. Ensuring that only eligible applicants receive aid is crucial to prolonging the program's life.
  • Updates and Extensions: Depending on the pandemic's trajectory and associated economic challenges, there might be further extensions or augmentations to ERAP.

For the most accurate and current information regarding ERAP's availability in Maryland, landlords and property managers should follow these steps:

  • Visit the Maryland Department of Human Services and Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development websites regularly. These platforms will have the latest updates and announcements related to ERAP.
  • Engage with local community organizations, like housing agencies or nonprofit entities, which might have firsthand information on ERAP's status and funds availability.
  • Stay in touch with tenant advocacy groups. These groups often have a pulse on available resources and can be a valuable source of real-time insights.

In conclusion, while ERAP continues to be a vital resource for many, its ongoing availability requires regular monitoring. As a landlord or property manager, staying informed ensures you can guide your tenants accurately and make informed decisions about your properties.

In the subsequent sections, we'll delve deeper into eligibility criteria, application processes, and collaborative dynamics, all tailored to provide a comprehensive overview of Maryland's ERAP for the state's real estate professionals.

Who is Eligible for ERAP in Maryland?

Understanding the eligibility criteria for the Maryland ERAP is paramount, especially for landlords and property managers aiming to guide their tenants through the process.

The intent behind ERAP was clear—to assist those most affected by the pandemic's economic repercussions. But who exactly qualifies?

Here's a breakdown:

  • Income Parameters: One of the primary qualifiers for ERAP's rental assistance is the household's annual income. Applicants typically need to have a household annual income at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI). It's essential to note that these thresholds can vary by county and are adjusted based on household size.
  • Proof of Hardship: To qualify for the rental assistance program, tenants must demonstrate that they've faced financial hardships due to COVID-19 specifically. This could manifest as job loss, reduced working hours, significant medical expenses, or other pandemic-related economic challenges.
  • Risk of Housing Instability: A potential risk of eviction or housing instability is a significant factor. Applicants should show that they are at risk of losing their housing or have been struggling to pay their rent or utilities due to the financial strain induced by the pandemic, which is why they need rental assistance.
  • Residency and Legal Status: To obtain Maryland emergency rental assistance, the applicant must be a resident of Maryland, with the rental property in question also located within the state. While U.S. citizenship is not always a mandatory requirement, certain documentation or legal residency proofs might be required.
  • Prior Assistance: In some cases, households that have previously received financial aid or other forms of rental assistance might face additional scrutiny or be placed in a different priority bracket. Review the specific guidelines set by Maryland's housing department to understand these nuances.

For landlords and property managers, being aware of these criteria not only assists in guiding potential applicants but also aids in setting expectations.

It can also serve as a tool for communication, helping landlords bridge the information gap with tenants, ensuring that those who genuinely need the support are well-informed and equipped to access it.

factors influencing erap emergency assistance eligibility requirements and who can receive assistance

How Do You Apply for ERAP in Maryland?

For landlords and property managers, understanding the application process of the ERAP in Maryland is pivotal. It's not just about ensuring that tenants can access the funds they need; it's about fostering a supportive environment where everyone can navigate the challenges brought about by the pandemic more effectively.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of Maryland's ERAP application procedure:

1. Access the Portal or Local Office

Begin by directing your tenants to Maryland's designated ERAP online portal.

In areas where digital access might be a challenge, local human services or housing offices can provide physical application forms.

2. Gather Necessary Documentation

Applicants will typically need the following documentation for their Maryland ERAP application:

  • Proof of residency in Maryland (e.g., lease agreements, utility bills, etc.)
  • Evidence of financial hardship due to COVID-19 (e.g., pay stubs showing reduced hours, termination letters, medical bills, etc.)
  • Household income details, verifying it's below 80% of the AMI for their specific county
  • Any previous rental assistance details or eviction notices, if applicable

3. Fill Out the Application

Whether online or in print, ensure all details are accurately filled out.

Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to delays or denial.

4. Landlord Collaboration

In many cases, landlords might need to provide additional details or verify the tenant's claims.

Be prepared to provide rental ledgers, attest to missed payments, or collaborate in other ways to expedite the application.

5. Await Review

Once submitted, the application will undergo a review process.

The duration can vary based on the volume of applications received and the specific county's processing capabilities.

6. Receive Notification

Upon approval, both the tenant and landlord will be notified.

Funds are typically sent directly to landlords or property managers, ensuring that past due rents are covered.

7. Stay Updated

Given the evolving nature of the pandemic and associated relief measures, the ERAP process or requirements may undergo changes. Regularly checking the state's housing department website ensures you're always informed.

Landlord-Tenant Dynamics in ERAP Assistance

The relationship between a tenant and a landlord, often bound by lease agreements and monthly rent checks, takes on a deeper dimension during crises.

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is not merely a financial aid system; it's a collaboration platform designed to fortify the partnership between tenants and their landlords.

As we navigate the intricacies of ERAP in Maryland, understanding this collaboration becomes crucial.

Open Communication

The success of ERAP applications often hinges on transparent dialogue. Tenants might be unaware of the program, its benefits, or its process.

Landlords, armed with the right information, can initiate these conversations, bridging knowledge gaps and offering guidance.

Shared Documentation

While tenants are tasked with gathering their financial proofs and hardship evidence, landlords play a pivotal role in furnishing rental documents, ledgers, or outstanding dues statements.

This shared responsibility can streamline the application process, increasing the chances of swift approval.

Mediating Challenges

ERAP is a lifeline, but it's not without its complexities. Whether it's navigating the digital application portal, understanding specific requirements, or addressing queries, a collaborative approach can help surmount these challenges.

Landlords can offer technical support, clarify doubts, or even direct tenants to community resources that can assist.

Maintaining Empathy

Economic hardships, especially ones brought on by a global crisis, can strain tenant-landlord relationships.

Recognizing that both parties are in this together and displaying empathy can lead to more constructive conversations and solutions.

Mutual Benefits

A successful ERAP application doesn't just benefit the tenant. Landlords and property managers receive the owed funds directly, ensuring financial stability on their end.

Plus, a cooperative approach fosters loyalty, potentially reducing tenant turnover in the long run.

Staying Updated

As ERAP guidelines might evolve, both tenants and landlords should stay informed.

Collaboratively checking for updates, sharing information, and adapting to any changes can ensure a smooth continuation of assistance.

Benefits of ERAP to Landlords and Property Managers

While the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) primarily targets tenants in distress due to the economic ramifications of COVID-19, it also carries a plethora of benefits for landlords and property managers.

Here are the advantages this program brings to the table for Maryland's real estate stakeholders:

  • Direct Financial Relief: Instead of navigating prolonged eviction processes or incurring losses, landlords can receive overdue rents, ensuring financial stability for their operations.
  • Reduced Tenant Turnover: ERAP aids in retaining current tenants, reducing vacancies, and ensuring a steady income stream.
  • Strengthened Tenant Relationships: Offering guidance and support to tenants during their ERAP application can foster trust and loyalty.
  • Efficient Dispute Resolution: With financial strains often being the root cause of many tenant-landlord disputes, the inflow of ERAP funds can mitigate these conflicts.
  • Local Community Support: By acting as pillars of support during challenging times, landlords and property managers can enhance their reputation, making their properties more attractive in the long run.
  • Tax Implications: While specifics can vary, involvement in ERAP and the subsequent income flow might have tax implications. Staying connected with the program ensures landlords are prepared for any tax nuances.

In essence, while ERAP in Maryland is a tenant-centric initiative, its ripple effects undeniably benefit landlords and property managers. By aligning with this program, they can navigate the ongoing pandemic with resilience, ensuring stability, and nurturing lasting tenant relationships.


The journey of understanding and leveraging the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Maryland can be intricate, but its benefits are manifold.

Key takeaways and recommendations for landlords and property managers include the following:

  • Stay Updated: Given the evolving nature of ERAP, regular check-ins with the Maryland Department of Human Services and associated housing agencies are imperative.
  • Foster Collaboration: Emphasize open communication with tenants. The ERAP journey is collaborative, and fostering this partnership can expedite processes and yield better outcomes.
  • Understand the Benefits: Beyond the immediate financial relief, recognize the long-term benefits ERAP offers, from reduced tenant turnover to enhanced community reputation.
  • Prepare for the Future: With lessons learned from ERAP, look ahead. How can these insights inform future interactions with tenants, especially in times of crises?

As we tread these uncertain times, ERAP in Maryland stands as a testament to community resilience and collective effort.

For landlords and property managers, it's an opportunity to rise to the occasion, stay informed and updated, guide their tenants, and build a foundation for a prosperous post-pandemic future.

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