
Located in the northeast of the United States, the Bay State packs a huge volume of history and culture. Also, it's home to many distinguished universities and charming towns with 17th and 18th-century colonial architecture.

Thanks to its geography and proximity to Massachusetts Bay, this state also features spectacular coastal beaches in the east. In addition, it offers some of America's most brilliant fall foliage.

However, like every other state, Massachusetts experiences common natural disasters. It's at high risk when it comes to flooding, for example, but there are also heavy winter storms, hurricanes, freezing rains, blizzards, heat waves, coastal storms, and wildfires.

Whether you live in this state or want to invest in the Massachusetts real estate market, what can you do to protect your properties from these events and other hazards? Well, a homeowners insurance policy may be the solution you need!

If you're looking for homeowners insurance in Massachusetts, you'll find many providers! There's a plethora of companies offering this type of coverage.

However, besides choosing a reliable company, you need to find comprehensive coverage options with reasonable insurance premiums.

While this can be time-consuming and difficult, a few things can help you make a smart decision. Fortunately, you can find this information here!

We've created this complete guide to help you find the best Massachusetts home insurance company according to your needs and preferences.

After researching many options, we've listed the top firms offering home insurance in this state. In addition, we analyze different aspects to help you choose a policy that suits your particular situation and allows you to save on your premiums if that's what you need. Read on!

Understanding Homeowners Insurance in Massachusetts

Before delving into the best insurers you can find in Massachusetts, we should answer a common but essential question – What is homeowners insurance?

Essentially, this type of insurance provides homeowners with financial protection if a disaster or accident damages their properties.

A homeowners insurance policy typically pays for damage caused by covered events, such as hurricanes, storms, fires, floods, and theft.

This type of insurance often covers both the structure of the property and your belongings. However, that depends on the policy you choose. Each company sets its own terms and offers different coverages.

Now that you've come this far, you may have other questions in mind – Is homeowners insurance required in Massachusetts? Why is it necessary? Let's check the answers!

Massachusetts doesn't require residents to purchase homeowners insurance policies by law. However, most lenders do. If you want to finance your home, you may need to have this type of insurance in place.

In addition, homeowners insurance safeguards properties, which means it also protects your investment. That's why Massachusetts authorities say all residents and real estate investors should purchase these policies.

Homeowners insurance covers unexpected expenses that may result from unforeseen events, such as natural disasters and accidents. As such, these policies provide peace of mind and can ease the financial burden if your property is damaged or at risk.

Average Home Insurance Costs in Massachusetts

When you purchase a homeowners insurance policy, you're also investing in a safety net for your property. Therefore, you should choose an option that offers value for money.

How much should you pay for Massachusetts homeowners insurance coverage? Are these policies expensive? – Let's answer that question to have a broad idea of ​​how much money we need to get property insurance in this state.

On average, Massachusetts residents pay $1,199 a year for $250,000 in dwelling coverage when it comes to homeowners insurance.

While the sum seems slightly high, it shows that homeowners insurance premiums in Massachusetts are cheaper than in other states. According to the latest figures, the national average is $1,428 per year for the same amount of coverage.

Compared to some neighboring states, Massachusetts also has lower premiums. In Connecticut, for example, the average cost of a homeowners insurance policy is $1,244 a year for $250,000 in dwelling coverage.

Rhode Island also has a higher homeowners insurance cost, averaging $1,233 per year for the same amount of coverage.

The likelihood of natural disasters often influences these costs. That's why they're similar in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. These three states are prone to ice storms, blizzards, nor'easters, and hurricanes, especially along the coastline.

However, many other things can affect homeowners insurance premiums, including the amount of dwelling coverage you need to cover rebuilding costs if your property is damaged.

The following elements can also impact the costs of your home insurance coverage:

  • The location of your property
  • The condition of your property
  • The age of your property
  • Construction time
  • The value of your property
  • Coverage limits
  • Security and safety features
  • Claims history
  • State-specific requirements
  • Other coverages, such as personal liability or flood insurance

Additionally, many home insurance companies offer discounts to help homeowners save on their premiums.

Many of these companies help you reduce these costs by bundling with other policies, such as auto insurance. When you choose to insure both your property and your vehicle, you may be eligible for a multi-policy discount.

However, it's important to choose a comprehensive policy to make sure your property and investment are well-protected. You shouldn't prioritize these discounts and your savings if it means you won't get enough coverage.

Instead, conduct exhaustive research on the different Massachusetts homeowners insurance coverage options. After that, choose one that suits your needs and budget but is comprehensive enough.

If you have questions or doubts about a policy, ask your insurance agent for more information on costs, coverage, limits, terms, and conditions. This can help you make better decisions to protect your home or rental unit.

Homeowners Insurance vs. Landlord Insurance

There are various insurance forms available to homeowners in Massachusetts and other states.

We've focused on homeowners insurance, but there are other options you might consider if you own a property and need protection against unforeseen events. Landlord insurance is one of them.

As mentioned, homeowners insurance provides financial protection in the event of a disaster or accident that damages the structure of your property. Depending on the policy you purchase, it can also protect your belongings and other items.

However, this type of insurance may fall short of landlords' needs. If you rent out a property, you're still responsible for the safety of your guests but must also offer protection to tenants.

Many landlords require tenants to purchase renters insurance to protect their belongings and cover expenses for accidents or injuries that occur on the property. However, they also need liability insurance and other coverages that aren't commonly included in standard premiums.

When you rent out a property, you may also want to protect your rental income if an unexpected event occurs and affects your rental business.

However, homeowners insurance doesn't cover this. You need to purchase a policy with protection against loss of rental income.

Knowing the differences between both types of insurance and the benefits they offer to property owners is essential if you want to choose the right policy.

When you purchase the right type of insurance, you're adequately protected against the common natural events in your area and the risks that almost every homeowner faces.

With this in mind, it's also essential to remember that every homeowners insurance company is free to set its own terms and conditions. Therefore, you should review them carefully and make sure you can comply with these requirements. Otherwise, your claims can be denied and your policy can be canceled.

If you still have doubts and are not sure which type of insurance is right for you, ask for advice from your insurance agent. Company representatives can recommend options according to your needs.

Sometimes, insurers recommend separate policies or endorsements to make sure homeowners or landlords have optimal protection for their particular situations. Ask for help if you're struggling to make a decision and need more information!

Are you a landlord? If you're renting out a property or planning to do so, homeowners insurance may be a better option in the following scenarios:

Vacant Property

Is your property vacant? If no one is living there, and you don't plan to rent it out soon, a homeowners insurance policy may offer the protection you need. Besides covering potential damage to the structure, a comprehensive option would also protect your belongings.

However, extended vacancies can affect homeowners insurance coverage. If you'll be away for a long period, inform your insurer about the situation to avoid issues.

Temporary Absence

You should travel to another city or state for work purposes but want to make sure your house is safe when you're away. It needs protection against unpleasant surprises. Therefore, you plan to list your property for rent for a short period.

Since a tenant will be living in your house while you aren't there, you can have peace of mind because someone will be watching over your property and belongings. Plus, you'll be earning extra cash. You can't go wrong with this plan, can you?

While renting out your property is a good idea if you won't be living there for a short period, you should be careful. First, you must inform your insurer about the situation and make sure you have the right coverage while you're away.

Also, you may need to switch from homeowners insurance to landlord insurance if you plan to rent out your property long-term.

Transition Period

Do you want to rent out your property but plan to live there while you screen tenants? You may still be eligible to purchase homeowners insurance.

However, you need to switch to another policy once you find the right tenant and your home becomes a rental unit.

Home Sharing

If you just want to rent out a room or a portion of your property and live there in the meantime, homeowners insurance may be a suitable option. However, you may need additional coverage for "home sharing."

This type of insurance is ideal for homeowners who share their properties with a person who isn't related to their families or with whom they don't have a relationship.

However, home-sharing insurance coverage isn't enough in these cases. If you share your property with a tenant or roommate, you also need liability coverage.

Personal liability insurance covers accidents involving guests. If you already purchased this coverage, ask your insurer if it addresses tenant-related risks.

Since you're earning money by sharing your home, you may also need a policy that covers loss of rental income in the event of a natural disaster or accident.

How to Choose a Massachusetts Homeowners Insurance Company

After deciding if you need homeowners insurance for your property, there are still a few things to do to choose the right policy.

Let's go over other key aspects and a few tips to make an informed decision.

Unique Needs for Massachusetts Homeowners Insurance

Massachusetts experiences unique natural events and is vulnerable to multiple hazards. Therefore, you need a comprehensive policy with state-specific coverages.

Floods, hurricanes, blizzards, freezing rains, wildfires, heavy snow and winter storms, heat waves, and coastal storms are common natural disasters in this state.

If you live in the Bay State, you'll need protection against these events. Luckily, that's what a specialized policy offers.

Here's a closer look at the essential elements of a comprehensive Massachusetts homeowners insurance policy.

Flood Coverage

Due to its coastal geography, location, and climate, Massachusetts is at high risk for flooding. However, standard homeowners insurance policies don't cover damage and losses caused by these events.

You can find a policy with coverage for damages resulting from plumbing issues or leaks. However, flood insurance is often available as additional coverage.

Since Massachusetts has over 1,5000 miles of coastline and experiences frequent heavy rains, having flood insurance coverage means your property is well-protected.

Hurricane Coverage

Hurricanes are also common in Massachusetts and often cause extensive damage to properties. Most standard homeowners insurance policies cover wind-related damage. However, you may need enhanced protection against these events.

If you aren't sure if your existing policy covers hurricane damage, don't hesitate to ask your insurer to add this coverage.

Mold and Water Damage Coverage

Massachusetts weather can be humid a few times throughout the year. In addition, the state has many coastal parts and is prone to rain. As a result, properties are vulnerable to damage caused by water.

Since the weather is humid and there are water-related hazards, the environment can favor mold growth, which poses even more risks to both properties and homeowners.

However, you don't have to wait for an accident to happen to protect your home or rental unit against mold or water issues. Instead, you can find out if your insurer offers this coverage or if it's included in your existing policy.

Both you and your tenants deserve to live in a healthy environment and have comprehensive protection against incidents. Therefore, purchasing water and mold coverage is essential in Massachusetts.

Evacuation and Additional Living Expenses

If a natural disaster damages your property, you may need to find temporary housing. That means you'll have to evacuate your home and spend your savings paying for a new place to live. Even if it's for a short period, these expenses could be huge.

Fortunately, you can anticipate these situations and purchase additional living expenses coverage. This type of insurance will help you cover the expenses of temporary housing, meals, and other things you may need if you cannot stay at home.

Other Factors to Consider When Assessing Massachusetts Home Insurance Companies

We've already covered Massachusetts-specific aspects and your needs as a homeowner or landlord. What should you do now to choose the right insurer?

Here's a list of tips to help you pick the best Massachusetts homeowners insurance company, so you have the full protection you need for your investment.

  1. Define your needs and consider state-specific aspects: We've already mentioned this, and we also gave you a few tips. However, it's important to remember that the first step in choosing the right home insurance company is to define what you need according to your preferences and the common hazards in your area.
  2. Research Massachusetts homeowners insurance companies: Once you know what you're looking for, list multiple insurers and evaluate what they offer. If you want to get more information about their businesses to see if they're reputable, check their websites and search for reviews from previous customers online.
  3. Compare multiple coverage options: Now, it's time to review their coverage options in detail and compare them to choose the one that best suits your needs or the state-specific hazards you're concerned about. Consider what each policy includes and make sure it aligns with your plans. During this phase, you can also request information about additional riders or endorsements.
  4. Request quotes and consider your budget: While you shouldn't settle for the cheapest company you can find, it's important to balance costs with benefits. A cheap policy may not have what you need to protect your property. Therefore, you should request information on costs and evaluate each option, so you can choose one that fits your budget but is ideal for your situation.
  5. Assess the insurer's financial stability: A company's financial strength and availability can tell you if it's able to offer prompt claim processing, which is essential after an accident. If you find this information, check the ratings from independent agencies, such as AM Best.
  6. Ask about possible discounts: Many homeowners insurance companies offer discounts to help homeowners save on their premiums. If you want to reduce these costs, request information about potential discounts for bundling policies, early payments, or homes with security features.
  7. Assess the company's reputation and customer service: Clear communication and responsiveness are essential factors when it comes to insurance. If you want to make sure a company is trustworthy, evaluate its reputation and customer service. Is the insurer efficient? Have other policyholders left positive comments about the firm? This may suggest that it's reliable and offers prompt assistance in stressful situations.
  8. Ask friends and family for recommendations: Are you still looking for the right Massachusetts home insurance company? Don't worry! Your loved ones or colleagues can help you. Ask your friends, family members, and co-workers for recommendations and their previous experiences with these firms. Their opinions are first-hand information about insurers and can offer you insights into their performance and offerings.
  9. Review each policy in detail: If you have already found a reliable company, don't buy a policy without reviewing it in detail to make sure it's what you need. Check key aspects, such as terms and conditions, coverage, exclusions, deductibles, and other limitations. Also, don't forget to ask for more information to clarify all the doubts you may have.

While the process can be time-consuming, you just need to be patient and well-informed to choose the right homeowners insurance company and purchase a suitable policy.

Remember that you need comprehensive protection for your investment. If you consider the tips listed above, you'll have a better chance of finding the perfect policy for your property.

Best Home Insurance Companies in Massachusetts

We're now entering into the final stretch of the process – choosing the right insurer. After researching the market, we've listed the best Massachusetts homeowners insurance companies based on their coverage options, ratings, and more. Find them below!

1) Amica


Amica is our No. 1 Massachusetts homeowners insurance company for several reasons. This Rhode Island-based firm was founded over 100 years ago, which means it has served US property owners for over a century.

In addition, Amica offers unique benefits to policyholders, including comprehensive options to protect your properties, dividend-paying policies, and multiple insurance products.

This homeowners insurance company has also earned an A+ rating for financial stability from AM Best, which means it's able to meet claims obligations.

Coverage and Features

Amica offers two policy options to Massachusetts homeowners: Standard Choice and Platinum Choice. Let's see what each includes:

Standard Choice Home Coverage

This policy offers the following coverage for your property:

  • Dwelling, attached structures, and other structures coverage
  • Personal property coverage for damaged items in a covered loss
  • Additional living expense (ALE), also known as Loss of Use
  • Personal liability coverage

Platinum Choice Home Coverage

This policy offers all the standard coverages and the following:

  • Dwelling replacement cost coverage
  • Personal property replacement coverage
  • Liability and medical payment coverage
  • Water backup and sump overflow coverage
  • Valuable items extended coverage
  • Business property coverage
  • Credit card coverage
  • Loss assessment plan coverage
  • Special computer coverage

As mentioned, this company offers policies that pay dividends. However, this varies from state to state and doesn't apply to the standard options.


Do you want to save on your premiums? Amica offers several discounts to eligible policyholders. These are:

  • Loyalty discounts
  • e-discount
  • Claims-free discounts
  • Multi-line discounts
  • Alarm system discounts
  • Autopay discounts
  • New/remodeled home credit discounts
  • Automatic detection device discounts

2) State Farm

State Farm

Offering insurance options for homeowners in 48 states and the District of Columbia, State Farm has built a solid reputation and earned an A++ financial strength rating from AM Best.

This company has standard policies with basic coverage to protect your property and additional options if you want to customize yours. In addition, State Farm offers flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program, which is essential in Massachusetts.

Coverage and Features

A standard homeowners insurance policy from State Farm includes the following:

  • Dwelling replacement coverage
  • Attached structures coverage
  • Other structures coverage
  • Personal property coverage
  • Personal liability coverage
  • Medical payments coverage
  • Additional living expenses (ALE)

If you want to customize your homeowners insurance policy, you can consider the following additional coverages:

  • Ordinance or law insurance to repair or rebuild properties that must meet today's building codes
  • Inflation guard if construction costs rise
  • Valuable items insurance
  • Identity Restoration Coverage (IDR)
  • Cyber ​​Event, Identity Restoration, and Fraud Loss Coverage (CEIDR)


Compared to Amica and other competitors, State Farm doesn't offer discounts for new or remodeled home credit. However, the company can help you save through the following:

  • Home security discounts
  • Discounts for bundling policies
  • Roofing discounts
  • Automatic sprinkler discounts
  • Utility rating plan discounts
  • Claims-free discounts

3) Allstate


Allstate has provided US homeowners with comprehensive insurance products since 1931, becoming a leading company in the industry. This insurer has earned third place on our list thanks to its vast range of coverage options, including some unique ones.

Homeowners who purchase an insurance policy from Allstate can make green improvements on their properties, replacing damaged or lost items. In other words, you can use this coverage to purchase energy-efficient options. Additionally, this insurer has earned an A+ rating for financial strength from AM Best.

Coverage and Features

These are the coverages you can get if you buy a standard policy from Allstate:

  • Dwelling and attached structures coverage
  • Liability protection coverage
  • Guest medical protection coverage
  • Personal property coverage

In addition, Allstate offers several options for other types of properties, such as landlords and renters insurance, as well as coverage for condos.

This company also has additional coverages for those who want to customize their policies. These are:

  • Green improvement reimbursement
  • Personal umbrella policy
  • HostAdvantage (home-sharing insurance)
  • Flood insurance
  • Identity theft restoration
  • Water backup
  • Business property
  • Scheduled personal property
  • Yard and garden
  • Sports equipment
  • Electronic data recovery
  • Musical instruments


Allstate is also committed to helping policyholders save on their premiums. Therefore, the company offers the following discounts:

  • Early signing discount
  • Easy Pay Plan
  • Protective device discount
  • Homebuyer discount
  • Claim-free discount
  • Multi-policy discount
  • Welcome and loyalty discount
  • Responsible payment discount

4) Liberty Mutual

Liberty Mutual

Offering homeowners insurance policies since 1912, Liberty Mutual has grown into a reputable company and has gained recognition in this competitive industry. This insurer stands out from the competition because it makes the process of purchasing a policy and protecting properties easy.

Liberty Mutual's website is easy to navigate and offers many educational materials for users who need to learn more about homeowners insurance. In addition, this company has an intuitive app for policy management that can help you save time.

Coverage and Features

If you choose a Liberty Mutual standard policy, you can get the following coverages:

  • Dwelling and attached structures coverage
  • Other structures coverage
  • Personal property coverage
  • Additional living expense (ALE) coverage
  • Guest medical and liability coverage

This company also offers additional coverage for homeowners who want to customize and expand their policies. These are:

  • Hurricane insurance
  • Flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program
  • Earthquake coverage
  • Personal property coverage
  • Umbrella coverage
  • Blanket jewelry coverage
  • Replacement cost for belongings
  • Water backup and sump pump overflow coverage
  • Inflation protection
  • Identity fraud and expense coverage


Liberty Mutual also offers multiple discounts for eligible policyholders, helping them save on their premiums. These are:

  • Claims-free discount
  • Multi-policy discount
  • Insured to value discount
  • Early shopper discount
  • Safe homeowner program
  • Newly purchased home discount
  • New roof discount
  • New/renovated home discount
  • Preferred payment discount
  • Paperless policy discount

5) Chubb


Chubb, founded in 1882, is a global insurance company that offers multiple options for US homeowners, including those who live in Massachusetts. This insurer has earned an A+ financial strength rating from AM Best and offers comprehensive standard policies.

If you want to customize your policy, Chubb also has many add-ons for enhanced property protection. However, this company isn't the best option for those who prefer to handle the process online, as it requires customers to meet an agent in person.

Coverage and Features

A Chubb standard policy includes the following coverages:

  • Dwelling and attached structure coverage
  • Protection for your belongings
  • Wind and hail insurance
  • Guest medical and personal liability coverage
  • Water backup from interior drains and sewers

In addition, the company offers the following add-ons:

  • Earthquake coverage
  • Valuable items coverage
  • Flood coverage


Chubb doesn't offer many discounts but can help policyholders save through the following:

  • Claims-free discount
  • Multi-policy discount
  • New or renovated home discount
  • Fire and security discount

Other Notable Massachusetts Home Insurance Companies

The Massachusetts homeowners insurance companies we listed here are excellent and offer the best policies to protect your property. However, other options are also worth considering, including the following:

  • Farmers Insurance
  • USAA
  • Travelers
  • Arbella


Finding the best homeowners insurance company in Massachusetts requires time, patience, and extensive research. However, if you make the right choice, you can be sure that your property is well-protected.

You don't want to lose your hard-earned money after investing a huge sum in your property, do you?

A comprehensive policy won't prevent natural disasters from damaging your home or rental unit. However, the right coverage will act as a safety net and offer financial protection if unexpected events hit your property.

As mentioned, there are many homeowners insurance companies in Massachusetts. However, you'll find the best one if you consider your needs, budget, and goals. Remember that it's also important to assess state-specific aspects to make an informed decision and get full protection for your investment.

Frequently Asked Quesitons

David is the co-founder & Head of Special Projects of DoorLoop, a best-selling author, legal CLE speaker, and real estate investor. When he's not hanging with his three children, he's writing articles here!

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The information on this website is from public sources, for informational purposes only and not intended for legal or accounting advice. DoorLoop does not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any damages or inaccuracies.
